Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ta Da...

I finished my mystery project - lol! Its my very first attempt at a pair of Picky Pants & i think i did ok. The crotch is a bit funny. If anyone can enlighten me - the whole bit where it says cast on two stitches when you are doing the leg bit, does that mean do that thing where you stick the needle in between the first & second stitch on your other needle then wrap the yarn around, pull it through & stick it back on your needle then do it again between the new stitch & the first old one (hope you can comprehend some of that?), cause that's what i did & it looked a bit funny. But who is going to be looking between his legs anyway!

I did the picot edging on the leg hem to give it that ship recked angel look (really I'm just trying to justify a girly edging by giving it a more masculine identity). Its got quite allot of colours jammed in there, which I'm not really sure about but i guess it looks ok. You might need to click on the pics to get a better look cause its hard to see them well at this size, but here they are: Ill get some action pics (i know i still have to stick action pics up of my last project too - ill get round to that as well). They are quite big on jet at the moment, but he'll grow into them. They have the drawstring anyway though so he can still wear them at the moment. They are meant to be Capri length but they look more like pants.

All in all I'm pretty happy with them! think I'm going to attempt one of those cute toys you can knit next. I really like Joe the Worm so i might give him a go.