Anyway, I've just recently ordered another stick as the original one i got has pretty much been all used up. I found that it stopped being as effective a month or so ago but gave it a good scrub & it seemed to work ok again, not bad getting a year & a half out of it anyway! The one i just received works perfectly again though - i can work up a real sweat & no smell at all!!!!
I'm just putting this info up here because i looked for a natural deodorant that actually worked for years & all the ones i tried failed miserably. I always reorder them from the same place just because i know they work. they come as an actual rock with a string through it so you can hang it up. Apparently they work because they leave invisible residue of minerals on your skin which prevent the formation of bacteria (which causes the unpleasant smell). All you have to do is wet the rock & gently rub it on your underarms & that's it.
The place i get mine from are called Kato Crystals - PO Box 444, Herberton QLD 4487, Australia. Their contact phone number is 07 4096 2548 & email: