I finally got around to finishing the longies pattern i started ages ago. I actually finished the knitting side of it when we were on our trip to byron a couple of months ago but i lost my yarn needle (lame excuse i know) & couldn't sew up all the little bits & pieces. So i finally got around to buying another yarn needle & here they are! I was going to do a little picture thingy on the legs (embellishment or something are they called?) but that would have probably taken me another couple of months & as it is i think they are only going to fit jet for about 5 minutes anyway.
Originally i was going to attempt the picky pants pattern from little turtle knits but somehow i got the longies one. I now have the picky pants one too though so i might give that one a go next. I think one of the legs is slightly shorter than the other but apart from that they look pretty good for a first attempt.
i just looked over at jet while I'm typing this & saw him pull the needle out of the latest project - oh joy! how do they get to be so quick!!! Anyway, here's some action shots: They still need to be lanolised but apart from that they are good to go. If anyone has any suggestions for little projects that are still interesting but don't take to long to do id love to hear them. I need a couple of quick projects to motivate me!