Whoever made up the term "sleeping like a baby" obviously didn't have kids!!!
Jet is going through such a rough patch with sleep at the moment. He is sleeping in with us because as soon as you lean over to put him into his cot he starts screaming. It wasn't always this way, he even went through a stage where he would put himself off to sleep without so much as a squeak, but that was really only for a couple of weeks. Now i either have to hold him or lie down next to him to get him to go off & he screams bloody murder the whole time! & if i try & put him down or get off the bed he wakes up & we start all over again.
Maybe its just a phase, he has 3 teeth on the bottom & 3 on the top so I'm sure there are two teeth that are going to come through soon & he has a really snotty nose at the moment so maybe its just that but its driving me up the wall!
Oh well, there's no quick fix. I have the no cry sleep solution book which i read when jet was only a couple of weeks old so i should get that out & read it again. I'm off to start another sleepless night - at least it will be full of cuddles!