Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jets Second Hair Cut

Just before Christmas Jet got his first ever hair cut. We took him to a hair dresser & it was just a basic trim, i had to stick him on the boob to finish it, was the only way to keep him still!!! (yet another fantastic benefit of breastfeeding!). Last week we decided to give him another one, we used the clippers (you know...so we didn't end up stabbing him with the scissors or something horrible like that) & i had images in my head of him cracking it half way through & having this awful hair cut that he wouldn't let us fix....but he was actually really good.

He seemed quite intrigued by the feel & sound of the clippers buzzing away on his head, he just leaned his head forward a bit & stayed really still, for most of it anyway! i didn't really manage to get his side burns short enough. I didn't want to take of the clipper head in case i ended up taking a whole section out of the front or something & i definitely didn't want to use scissors, so they are a little long. But since his hair is blond you can only tell when your up close, so...I'm just going to leave it!

I gave it a second go a day or so later because the clippers didn't do a very even job the first time, i guess because his hair was so fine & it wouldn't go through them properly. Once his hair was shorter (& spikier) the clippers did a more even job. Anyway, here's some before & after pics.

A couple of days before:

A couple of days later:

Its amazing how much difference a hair cut can make, he looks so grown up now (& like such a cheeky little ratbag!). I cant believe my baby is growing up so quickly!