I highly recommend PPP to anyway who has a blog. Just for signing up you get to do a $20 post. you can just write a short post on your experience with PPP, even if you haven't done a post before & earn yourself a quick $20 - who couldn't use that, its practically free money.
It took me ages after i signed up to actually do a post because i was a bit scared what people would think. I do all my paid post in grey so people can tell whats a paid post & what isn't. Because I'm not in north America allot of the post options were not available to me when i started, but even with a 0 page ranked blog in Australia i still managed to earn over $160 which is pretty good (that's not including the $90 Ive earned since my page rank increased). Anyway, if your interested click on the link below to find out more, go on - give it ago!!!