Thursday, April 23, 2009

Setting up mobile blogging!

Im just setting up my mobile so i can sms a notification when bub is born. Not long to go now - less than 4 weeks till my due date :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

White Chocolate Chip & Banana Muffins - Yummo!!!

I was just reading a post on Tracy's blog about some yummy muffins she made...& i couldn't help myself, i just had to make some too, they just looked to delicious (i am 7.5 months pregnant after all - i can blame cravings cant i?)! Here's her recipe if you want to make some too (go on, you know you want to!)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Dream Parenting

I just wanted to share a link to a site i found that offers a kinder more gentler approach to getting your child to sleep through - its called Dream Parenting so check it out if your having issues!!!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ring Sling for a Friend

We headed down to Sydney for a few days last week & i was going to visit a friend i only see a couple of times a year who has just (well...3 months ago) had a new bub. Last time we were chatting on the phone she was wishing she had a few different slings so i thought id make her one.

I picked up more material from Campbells Cash n Carry (im growing to love that shop!) for $2 per metre, im not exactly sure what it is but its a nice olive colour (not my colour at all but i knew she liked it). I used the sling rings i bought ages ago (cant remember where) that are a bit thick & heavy & they are a bit smaller than the ones i used on my sling. Its a bit hard to pull the material through them, im not sure if it will loosen up with washing? it does the job though, so hopefully she liked it! I used the instructions on Sleeping Baby again. Heres some pics:

I also knitted her bub a caterpillar. I stuck a cat toy with a bell in it in the head so it rattles & i knitted it out of that fairy floss stuff you can get a lincraft so its nice & soft & fluffy! sorry the pics are a bit blurry, i snapped them on my phone last minute before we left!