Today, has just been one of those days. You know the ones, where absolutely nothing goes right. Its doesn't have to be big things, its the little things that all add up & make you want to go sit in a cold dark corner & rock back & forward while singing happy songs to yourself. Stuff like spilling milk all over the floor, then the wheatbix & the washing getting rained on (for the 4th day in a row).
The thing that really pushed me over the edge today was that i put jet in his cot to have a sleep (which is a struggle in itself) then went back into his room 5 mins later cause he was kicking up quite a fuss & the first thing i noticed as i entered the room was this terrible smell. I thought "smells like someones done a poo". Then i looked over at Jet & his dummy was all yellow (normally white), & then i realised his face was too, & his t-shirt has smears all over it & the sheet & his cot - oh joy (come on, you can picture my face after already having a fantastic day, one of my eyes was probably doing that "im going to crack at any second" twitching thing).
Anyway, needless to say we both had very early showers today because there is just no other way to get a poo smeared baby clean - i just chucked Jet, still fully clothed, into the shower! As for the dummy, im afraid to say its on its way to dummy heaven.
Thankfully today is almost over, tomorrow i think ill go to the end of the bed & get out there, you cant get out of the wrong side of the bed if you get off the end of it can you? i guess technically its a side, but ill do it anyway just to be safe!