It has become apparent that I have an online shopping addiction. Sure, maybe its not as damaging as a drug, alcohol or gambling addiction...its actually rather fun..where was I? oh yeah, but its a problem none the less. So, to help curb my spending ive decided to write down the things i would like to buy on a list - not sure why & not sure if it will help, just seemed like a good idea at the time.
You will find my list at the right hand side of the screen (its called Curbing the Addiction - future purchases being considered). Ive named the thing i want, the approximate cost & the date that i wrote it on the list, ive also put a link to it if applicable. So not sure where ill go from here? maybe ill mark down when i actually buy it or if i decide not to? Maybe i can pay for it all with my google adds - lol, they've been on my blog for a couple of months now & i think ive earned a grand total of $18.36 woo hoo!
The first two items on the list are a vacuume cleaner (we have tiles so i guess its not a nessesity) & a book recomended by Judi on NC called "The Stitch and Bitch Handbook" - if i get it from fishpond then its a couple of bucks cheaper & if i buy another book then its free post - so ill have to think of another book i want & add that to the list too - hmmmm not sure if this list thing is working!