I was tagged by April & now i have to figure out what I'm going to write about :)
Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Ok, this is mach #2 cause the first one I did was way to long!
1. I guess the first point should be that I'm indecisive, since this is my second attempt at this and all
2. My favourite colour is Purple, but I also love green at the moment & I love wearing them both together (just in case you hadn't guessed by the colours of my blog)!
3. I always feel like a bit of an outsider, like I don’t really fit in – probably cause I’m weird!!! :)
4. I love looking up at the sky through one of those big trees with the leaves that change colour in autumn – there’s just something about it!
5. When I was little I always wished there was a secret place I could go, where time would stop, where I could just relax in the grass by the water – sometimes I still do!
6. When jet cries & wont go to sleep – I eat chocolate, lots & lots of chocolate! Its my coping mechanism
7. Someone should start a shop-a-holics anonymous & I should join it!
8. I love my husband & our little boy more than anything in the whole world
Now to tag some unsuspecting bloggers - bwahahahahaha
Mad Mum of 3 - Donna
Robbo3 - Hayley - Done
Hunters Mum - Tina (this will give you something to kick your blog off with!)
Bear Hug Mumma - Belinda
Melinda - already been tagged
Mad Quilter - Tracy - Done
My Sons My Journey - Carla
Crafty Lis
All Things Cooper - Beck
Sorry guys - im only tagging you cause i love reading your blogs & its fun - give it a go!!! Oh & if anyone has been tagged already let me know & ill tag someone else.
ill put 'Done' next to the names with links to their posts when they have completed them (so if anyones finished let me know if i havent updated!)