Monday, March 16, 2009


I clicked on the About Me tab at the left of my tabs & my bio currently reads: "Im a 27 year young cloth nappying, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby carrying mum. Jet (DS) - 15/12/06 Rocky (DH)- 29". But...most of those things aren't exactly true:
  • Im not 27
  • Jet is mainly in disposables at the moment
  • Im no longer breastfeeding
  • or co-sleeping
  • or baby carrying
  • Rocky isnt 29 any more either

I think the only truth in my bio is that im a mum! So heres an update:

Im now 29, i just had my birthday on the 10th of March, & Rocky turned 30 last year.

Jet is pretty much exclusively in disposables at the moment due to most of the nappies in my stash just not being effective - some of them have lost their elastic & most others just cant hold the volume of wee he manages to pump out!

Im also no longer breastfeeding. I breastfed Jet for 2 years, i think his last feed was a week after his second birthday. 2 years was always my goal & having reached it while i was pregnant, still sleep deprived & totally exhausted i decided it was time to wean him, i cut his feeds down to once a day (first thing in the morning only) a couple of months before he weaned. At first he fed religiously every morning for about 40 mins, which i would have been happy to continue (because it bought me extra sleep), but eventually he started skipping days, then he would only feed two or three times per week, then once a week, then once every few weeks, by his second birthday he hadnt had a feed for a week or two, then fed again a week after his birthday & that was it. he has asked me a couple of times since but ive just told him that its all gone!

We moved jet into his own room just before he turned 2, he ended up back in with us for a few more months but we decided we should try & get him comfortable in his room before the next bub comes along. We have had our ups & downs (which has always been the case with his sleeping). At the moment he is sleeping through sporadically, once every few nights, most nights he just wakes up once & some nights he wakes up 5+ times. *Hopefully* he gets the hang of it (& keeps it that way) before the new bub arrives!

As for baby carrying, Jet just got to big!!!

So anyway, im *trying* to rectify the whole cloth nappy vs disposables thing. I am disgusted at how long you can leave a disposable on, the things just soak up sooooo much fluid! if you didnt have a heavy wetter you could probably leave one on all day & thats just disgusting. i hate the thought of all the chemicals that could be leaching into jets skin & i also hate contributing so much to land fill. So ive made another cloth nappy purchase. Ive gone back to basics. Bamboo fitteds with covers & Baby Beehinds have some really well made affordable nappies so ive gone with them. Also a fellow ABA (Australian Breastfeeding Association) member is now the central coast rep for them so i can order it all through her! I decided to buy 10 x Bamboo Fitteds, 2 x Large PUL Covers, 1 x Small Wool Cover, 2 x Medium Wool Covers & 1 x Large Wool Cover (all the wool covers were on special because they are discontinuing the coloured varieties).

I find bamboo the most absorbent of all the materials used to make cloth nappies & also it doesnt tend to get that smell that hemp does. Fitteds with a cover tend to absorb more than pockets & AIO's (in my experience anyway) so they should suit jet better for now & *hopefully* he will discover the inspiration to toilet train some time soon (he knows what the potty is for & when he is weeing etc - he just doesnt care one bit if he has a wet or pooey nappy on - go figure!). So heres a pic of my new haul:

Thats my spiel for the day! Thanks for 'listening' :D