The first way is to stick 4 toothpicks into the seed about half way up, then place it on top of a jar & fill it with water so the bottom quarter of the seed is covered. The seed needs to be pointy side up (so the broad side is on the bottom).
The second way is to put the seed pointy side up in a pot with gravel in the bottom & soil in the top (so it drains well). Then make sure the top quarter of the seed is sticking out of the soil.
I attempted both of these methods, i got a big pot & stuck 3 seeds in it & put it just outside our front door & i put two seeds in water on our window sill. I watched them for one month, then two, then three & nothing happened. I might have gotten rid of them & just stuck them in the compost if i wasn't so lazy - so i just left them there ;)
When we came back from holidays i got the most wonderful surprise. Two of my seeds had sprouted. One in the pot & one in the water. The one in the water only has a root out the bottom so far though, nothing out the top. Here's some pics:
Im so proud of my little plants. My plan is to plant two in our backyard then grow a stack more to take up to Rocky's parents farm to plant an orchid of them - lol!
If anyone wants any more info on growing avocado trees from seeds check out this link they have lots of great info on their.