I highly recommend subscribing to the ABA if you are a breastfeeding mum or mum to be. Its a fantastic organisation. When you initially subscribe at the moment you get the book Breastfeeing...naturally free as well which is a great resource (i got it when i joined last year), not to mention Essence magazine which comes out every second month. Essence is packed full of great natural parenting articles, last month they even did one on cloth nappies - there is a pic of Jet in it modelling his fave minky bubblebub (ive been meaning to scan it & stick it up here, ill get around to it one day).

I absolutely love attending my local ABA meetings too, its great to regularly meet with like minded mums - im even thinking of training as a breastfeeding counsellor & Rocky is going to train as a community educator. He already does talks at the BOB's (Basics of Breastfeeding) seminars which are held for all the preggy mums, usually about 3/4 of the partners show up & they are sitting in a room full of very hormonal women talking about breasts which im sure isn't very comfortable for them, so they really respond well to having another bloke to ask questions to.
Anyway, thats my rant for the day. Ill finish with a joke that a fellow ABA'er sent to me yesterday - One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: "if we dont get some support soon, people will think we're nuts!"