Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Busy Bee

Ive been very busy today! First of all i had to get the overlocker out to make some more hemp trifold inserts cause we are going up to Byron for almost 2 weeks soon & i figure that the pockets dry super quick but inserts take forever so if we have twice as many inserts we should be right. So here they are (not very interesting):

Then i looked over at my disaster zone of a knitting basket:

It made me think of a pattern id seen in a book im reading, the stitch & bitch handbook (fantastic book by the way!!!). No, its not a knitting pattern, its for a needle holder! So i had a dig through the massive pile of material ive managed to accumulate. Your meant to use heavy weight material, like upholstery stuff or something, which i didnt have, the best i could do was some flannelet & some cotton drill so i just doubled up a bit here & there. Anyway, heres some pics. The inside with the flap down:

The outside: The inside again with the flap up:

When i was all finished i realised i have lots of little things that need storing too, like stitch counters, stitch markers, that thing that measures what size needle your using etc. So i figured id stick some pockets on the front flappy bit. They are attached with snaps so i can pull them off if i want (not that i know why i would want to) & they do up with snaps too - well...what would a sewing day be without getting the snap press out! So here is the end result:

& hey presto - a tidy knitting basket!!!

...but unfortunately the house is now a total wreck

oh well, a mothers work is never done ; )

**Update: just found an online tutorial to make one of these, has extra pockets too! - click here for the tutorial**