Heres the soaker by itself:
I think its possible that i miscounted the ribbing stitches & i might have 11 - oh well! cant be perfect right - i figure as long as i do it the same for the back it should be ok.
I think its possible that i miscounted the ribbing stitches & i might have 11 - oh well! cant be perfect right - i figure as long as i do it the same for the back it should be ok.
Cream butter & sugar until light & fluffy. Add eggs 1 @ a time on low speed. Mix through flour & cocoa. Bake @ 150 degrees for 25-35 mins.
Thanks Bec!!!
What is it you may ask? well... i don't exactly know. My best guess is a blanket for a very fat, oddly shaped worm! The odd thing is that i haven't done that increase thing at all (well..not on purpose) but there seems to be lots more on the needle than when i started!
Now i need to find myself a real project to do. Most of the stuff ive looked at so far looks a bit challenging. Heres an up close shot of my dodgy knitting (holes & all):
Think im going to have to get me a couple more of these - soooo yummy!!!
Heres an action shot of jets new sunnies:
Just as a side note after we left the expo on sunday we went to watch rockys old soccer team play. Rocky made Jet a little jersey out of 2 of last seasons jerseys (not sure why it takes two big jerseys to make one little one?!?), but thats what he is wearing in the pic.
All in all i had a fab weekend - cant wait till next years expo now!!! A HUGE thanks to tania for letting me help out on her stand, i had an absolute ball!!!!!!!
wish me luck!!!
55cm of flannelet with sheep on it, just got this one really cause i want to see if the spotlight flannelet is ok - ill see how it goes, not sure what it will become yet!