Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Am i really going to try to make a nappy myself???

At the beginning of this month spotlight had a 20% off sale - so i thought why not spend all my husbands well earned money on a sewing machine!!! well....a why not could be that i have never sewn anything in my life...oh, except there was that one jumper i made in highschool that had holes for my thumbs to stick out (not sure if that was on purpose?!?). So in the end i bought it!

Seeing some of the fabulous nappys that people were making for themselves on nappycino, i decided i would give it a go, so I put in an order at nappys covered & ordered enough to make 2 pocket nappys & ive printed off the wee weka pattern. Havent actually done anything else yet, but i am thinking about it!!!

stay tuned to see if it is a total disastor of if i actually make a working nappy...